Humanitarian reform GTS Humanitarian reform GTS

Getting it right early: Embedding people’s views in response management in Türkiye

In March 2023, funded by the H2H Network’s H2H Fund and supported by UK aid - from the British people, Ground Truth Solutions launched a project to understand the extent to which the humanitarian response in Türkiye is accountable to people’s needs, priorities, and expectations. This project also aims to uncover how aid can be more responsive to the unfolding needs of the affected population in Türkiye, and how international actors can effectively support and engage with the localised response.

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Tracking community perspectives on climate resilience in Bangladesh 

Over the last few decades, it has been recognised that adaptation approaches are more likely to succeed if they are rooted in local knowledge and empower communities to make their own decisions. However, research conducted by GTS and the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in 2021 shows that the fine aspirations found in the documentation to engage and empower vulnerable communities are rarely matched by the reality on the ground.

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Accountability in action GTS Accountability in action GTS

Strengthening accountability for women and girls in Afghanistan

There has arguably never been a more critical time to actively listen to the voices of women and girls in Afghanistan, and yet opportunities to do so are limited, and complicated. The Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) conducted by CARE Afghanistan from June-July 2021 indicate that women’s exclusion from decision-making spaces extends to humanitarian assistance, especially since the ban on women working for national and international NGOs, which has left little opportunities to engage with women.

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Cash Barometer GTS Cash Barometer GTS

Cash Barometer in the Central African Republic

The Cash Barometer launched in CAR in 2020 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, where we sought to capture the voices of market traders and CVA recipients in the context of the developing crisis. Since then, CVA significantly scaled up in CAR, making it even more critical than ever to ensure the voices of CVA recipients are heard.

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Cash Barometer GTS Cash Barometer GTS

Cash Barometer in Somalia

Ground Truth Solutions has been tracking the experiences of aid recipients in Somalia and Somaliland since 2017. In this time, cash and voucher recipients have consistently requested more involvement and consultation from aid actors than they receive.

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Cash Barometer GTS Cash Barometer GTS

Cash Barometer in Nigeria

In late 2019, we launched the Cash Barometer in Nigeria with a survey of CVA recipients in Borno State. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, we adapted our approach to explore how CVA recipients, humanitarians, and financial service providers perceived the economic impact of the pandemic.

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Health GTS Health GTS

Camp community perceptions on Covid-19 in Cox’s Bazar

The 34 camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh are some of the most densely populated areas in the world, housing some 860,000 Rohingya refugees who have fled their native country to seek protection from persecution and violence. Fears of a deadly coronavirus outbreak prompted a swift government-issued lockdown in March 2020, with humanitarians having to limit operations to essential services only.

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