Listening and responding to crisis-affected communities in CAR

Since May 2024, with the support of UNICEF, we have been working with humanitarian clusters in CAR to strengthen collective accountability to affected people.   

Source: Flickr - Berbérati

As a first step, we conducted an online survey of more than 100 humanitarian organisations to get a better understanding of their current practices and challenges in systematically listening and responding to communities.  

Based on the survey findings and the individual experiences of aid providers, we conducted full-day workshops with the partner organisations of three clusters (Health, WASH, and CCCM/Shelter-NFI) to develop a shared understanding on how to engage with communities during the different stages of a project.    

We also held a workshop with humanitarian practitioners and community members in Bria in the Haute-Kotto region, to discuss challenges and potential solutions to better involve communities in decision-making around aid.  

In collaboration with our research partner Humanitarian Data Support (HDS), we have been working closely with a few national NGOs, to better understand and document their good practices of engaging with communities.  



Project partners

Humanitarian Data Support 


The human cost of the U.S. aid cuts


Humanitarian accountability at the community level: co-creating a community-led process for dialogue and feedback in northwest Syria