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Overcoming power imbalances: Community recommendations for breaking the cycle
Overcoming power imbalances: Community recommendations for breaking the cycle
Espèces, coupons… ? Ou simplement une meilleure mise en oeuvre ? Ce que veulent les personnes recevant l’aide à Kaga-Bandoro
Espèces, coupons… ? Ou simplement une meilleure mise en oeuvre ? Ce que veulent les personnes recevant l’aide à Kaga-Bandoro
Cash or vouchers? Or just good implementation? What aid recipients in Kaga-Bandoro want
Cash or vouchers? Or just good implementation? What aid recipients in Kaga-Bandoro want
"Men have the power to say everything, women don't." Women’s perceptions of cash and voucher assistance in Maiduguri’s outskirts
"Men have the power to say everything, women don't." Women’s perceptions of cash and voucher assistance in Maiduguri’s outskirts
With the stakes so high, is Cash and Voucher Assistance the lifeline it’s meant to be?
With the stakes so high, is Cash and Voucher Assistance the lifeline it’s meant to be?
Face à des enjeux aussi cruciaux, les transferts monétaires font-ils le poids?
Face à des enjeux aussi cruciaux, les transferts monétaires font-ils le poids?
Rights, information, and predictability: Keys to navigate a complex crisis
Rights, information, and predictability: Keys to navigate a complex crisis
User journey personas of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
User journey personas of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
Exploring the user journeys of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
Exploring the user journeys of women receiving mobile money in Somalia
Community reflections: The cumulative impact of keeping people informed
Community reflections: The cumulative impact of keeping people informed
Expériences des bénéficiaires d’assistance monétaire en République Centrafricaine
Expériences des bénéficiaires d’assistance monétaire en République Centrafricaine