Burkina Faso
With increasing attacks by armed groups, Burkina Faso is now one of the fastest growing displacement contexts in the world.

The humanitarian response in Burkina Faso is one of the world’s most neglected crises, without sufficient attention and funding from the international community. In 2024, 6,3 million people, of which 2.5 million children, are affected by crises and are concerned by humanitarian aid in the country. The funding requirement for 2024 of USD 934.6 million has only been 3% covered as of March 2024. Meaningful engagement with people affected by crisis, including children, is more essential than ever to ensure funding goes where it is needed most. People are also expressing a strong need for longer-term solutions, as they seek to regain their autonomy.
Our work
As a baseline, we conduct quantitative surveys of displaced people, as well as host community members to track their perceptions of the aid they receive. We then discuss the results with crisis-affected communities to make sense of the data and gather their recommendations. Combined, we use the quantitative and qualitative findings to ensure crisis-affected people’s voices are heard by the humanitarian country team and advocate for humanitarian plans to be centred on people’s opinions. We also support joint analyses of perception data provided by various actors in country to highlight key trends that require attention and action.
In collaboration with Terre des Hommes and numerous child protection organisations, we are piloting an innovative participatory methodology to engage with children and youth on their perceptions of the humanitarian aid. This project will support organizations working with children to better consider their views and their priorities.
“I think that if humanitarian organisations include people’s perceptions, little by little, they will build understanding because right now no one knows (how to influence aid).”
Project partners
Terre des hommes, Plan International, ECPAT France, Humanité et Inclusion, Coordination Nationale des Associations des Enfants et Jeunes Travailleurs du Burkina (CN/AEJTB), IMPACT-REACH, Fama Films, Innovative Hub for Research in Africa (IHfRA), Community Engagement and Accountability Working Group (CEAWG), Cluster Protection de l’Enfant, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in Burkina Faso