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Lessons learned from listening to affected communities in DRC and Chad - and their implications on key principles of humanitarian aid

Lessons learned from listening to affected communities in DRC and Chad - and their implications on key principles of humanitarian aid

Note: The webinar will be held in French.

Leçons apprises en écoutant les communautés affectées en RDC et au Tchad

et leurs implications sur les principes clés de l'aide humanitaire

Depuis 18 mois, Ground Truth Solutions est à l'écoute des personnes touchées par les crises au Tchad et en RD Congo pour comprendre leurs préoccupations principales et leurs priorités.
Alors que ces projets touchent à leur fin, nous voulons partager quelques leçons précieuses que nous avons apprises.

En reliant nos découvertes aux débats en cours dans le domaine de la politique humanitaire, nous aspirons à enrichir le dialogue sur les pratiques humanitaires. Notre travail est ancré dans les voix et les expériences des personnes directement touchées par les crises au Tchad et en RDC. À travers cette démarche, nous cherchons à questionner et à explorer deux principes fondamentaux de l'aide humanitaire : l'humanité et l'impartialité.

En collaboration avec UNICEF.

This event occurred in the past.

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‘Stop the war and let me return to my home, even if it is destroyed’: Community priorities and perceptions of aid and support in Gaza

‘Stop the war and let me return to my home, even if it is destroyed’: Community priorities and perceptions of aid and support in Gaza

For the past month, Ground Truth Solutions and Arab World for Research and Development have been working with people in Gaza to record the primary concerns, priorities and asks of people affected by Israel’s ongoing bombardment. In an environment where primary face-to-face data collection is highly complicated, the team have managed to survey a robust sample of the population. This is not a ‘needs assessment.’ People have shared their crippling fears and desperate needs, but also stories of how they are supporting each other, where they’re seeking information, and what they’re doing to cope. You are invited to this webinar to hear the authors of the report and Palestinian aid experts present the findings and discuss the urgent need for the international community to listen to the people of Gaza as this crisis unfolds.  


  • Samer Said, Arab World for Research and Development

  • Meg Sattler, Ground Truth Solutions

  • Najla Shawa, Oxfam

This event occurred in the past.

You can watch the recording.

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